.. quickstart examples Quick start =========== Python ------ My first program ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you have successfully compiled and installed pyaudi following the :ref:`installation_pyaudi` you will be able to test its use typing the following script. .. literalinclude:: ../../doc/examples/getting_started.py :language: python :linenos: Place it into a getting_started.py text file and run it with .. code-block:: bash python getting_started.py We recommend the use of Jupyter or ipython do enjoy pyaudi the most. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C++ --- My first program ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After following the :ref:`installation_audi` you will be able to compile and run your first C++ AuDi program: .. _getting_started: .. literalinclude:: ../../doc/examples/getting_started.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: Place it into a getting_started.cpp text file and compile it with: .. code-block:: bash g++ -std=c++11 getting_started.cpp -lmpfr -lgmp -pthread