Generalized Dual numbers

#include <audi/gdual.hpp>

template<typename Cf>
class gdual

This class represents an element of the algebra \(\mathcal P_{n,m}\), (see Formal definition) defined over the field \(\mathbf K\) (the field is represented by the template argument Cf). We call elements of this algebra generalized dual numbers as, among other things and when \(\mathbf K\) is \(\mathbb R\), they generalize the dual numbers used for forward automatic differentiation.

Using the multi-index notation, a generalized dual number (for example over the field \(\mathbb R\) represented by doubles, i.e. gdual<double>) may be written as:

\[T_f(\mathbf x) = \sum_{|\alpha| = 0}^m \frac{(\mathbf x-\mathbf a)^\alpha}{\alpha!}(\partial^\alpha f)(\mathbf a)\]


A generalized dual number is defined by its truncation order \(m\) as well as by its expansion point \(\mathbf a\). All arithmetic operators +,*,/,- are overloaded so that computing with the type gdual correspond to compute the Taylor expansion of the arithmetic computations.

A basic use case, where \(m = 2\), \(\mathbf a = [1.2, -0.1]\) and \(f = \frac{x1+x2}{x1-x2}\) is thus:

gdual<double> x1(1.2, "x1", 2);
gdual<double> x2(-0.1, "x2", 2);
std::cout << (x1+x2) / (x1-x2) << "\n";

resulting in the output:



The class can be instantiated with any type that is suitable to be a coefficient in an obake polynomial ( obake::is_cf_v<Cf> must be true). Classical examples would be double, float, std::complex<double>, and the audi::vectorized_double type. If obake::is_differentiable_v<Cf> is also true then derivation and integration are also availiable and the resulting algebra is a differential algebra.

Constructors and destructors

template<typename T>
explicit gdual(const T &c)


This constructor is only enabled if T is not a gdual and if an obake::polynomial can be constructed with coefficients in T.

Constructs a gdual of order \(m = 0\) with only a constant term \(c\). Essentially \(T_f = c\) in \(\mathcal P_{0,0}\)


c – The constant term \(c\).

template<typename T>
explicit gdual(const T &c, const std::string &symbol, unsigned m)


This constructor is only enabled if T is not a gdual and if an obake::polynomial can be constructed with coefficients in T.

Constructs a gdual of order \(m\) representing a variable. Essentially \(T_f = c + dx\) in \(\mathcal P_{1,m}\)

  • c – The constant term \(c\).

  • symbol – The symbol that will represent the variable (e.g. \(x\)).

  • m – The truncation order of the algebra.


std::invalid_argument if the symbol names starts already with “d” a differential. This avoids symbols like ddx in the obake::polynomial.


Default constructor. Constructs a gdual of order \(m = 0\) with only a zero constant term \(c\). Essentially \(T_f = 0\) in \(\mathcal P_{0,0}\)

gdual(const gdual&) = default

Defaulted copy constructor.

gdual(gdual&&) = default

Defaulted move constructor.


Destructor. Performs a sanity check on the truncation order and degree of the gdual.


Differential algebra operations

gdual integrate(const std::string &var_name)


This template is only enabled if Cf satisfies obake::is_differentiable, which is the case for float, double, std::complex and vectorized_double types.

Performs the integration of the gdual with respect to var_name. If the var_name differential is not in the symbol set of the obake::polynomial it is added. Note that Information may be lost as the truncation order is preserved.


var_name – Symbol name (cannot start with “d”).


std::invalid_argument if var_name starts with the letter “d”.

gdual partial(const std::string &var_name)


This template is only enabled if Cf satisfies obake::is_differentiable, which is the case for float, double, std::complex and vectorized_double types.

Performs the partial derivative of the gdual with respect to var_name. If the var_name differential is not in the symbol set of the obake::polynomial it is added.


var_name – Symbol name (cannot start with “d”).


std::invalid_argument if var_name starts with the letter “d”.

gdual manipulation

template<typename T>
gdual subs(const std::string &sym, const T &val) const

Substitute the differential sym with val. The Cf type must be constructable from val.

  • sym – The name of the differential to be substituted.

  • val – The value to substitute sym with.


A new gdual with the substitution made.

gdual subs(const std::string &sym, const gdual &val) const

Substitute the differential sym with the gdual val

  • sym – The name of the differential to be substituted.

  • val – The value to substitute sym with.


A new gdual with the substitution made.

gdual trim(double epsilon) const

Sets to zero all coefficients of the gdual with absolute value smaller than epsilon.


epsilon – Tolerance for the trim.


A new gdual without the trimmed coefficients.

gdual extract_terms(unsigned degree) const

Extracts all the monomials of a given degree.


order – The monomials degree.


A new gdual containing only the terms extracted, but preserving the truncation order of the original gdual.


std::invalid_argument if the degree is higher than the gdual truncation order.

void extend_symbol_set(const std::vector<std::string> &sym_vars)

Adds some symbolic variables to the current obake::polynomial This is useful in situations where some differential \(dx\) does not appear as its coefficient is zero but we still want to treat the gdual as a function of \(x\) too (for example when extracting the relative coefficient)


sym_vars – list of symbolic names. It must contain all symbolic names of the current obake::polynomial. It may contain more. All symbols must start with the letter “d”.


std::invalid_argument if any symbol in sym_vars does not start with the letter “d” or if sym_vars does not contain all current symbols too.

gdual inspection

auto get_symbol_set_size() const

Returns the size of the symbol set of the obake::polynomial

std::vector<std::string> get_symbol_set() const

Returns the symbol set of the obake::polynomial stripping the differentials (i.e. “dx” becomes “x”)

auto evaluate(const std::unordered_map<std::string, double> &dict) const

Evaluates the Taylor polynomial using the values in dict for the differentials (variables variations)


dict – a dictionary (unordered map) containing the values for the differentials.


the value of the Taylor polynomial.

gdual<double> x1(1., "x1", 2);
gdual<double> x2(1., "x2", 2);
auto f = x1*x1 + x2;
std::cout << f.evaluate({{"dx1", 1.}, {"dx2", 1.}}) << "\n";

auto degree() const

Returns the degree of the polynomial. This is necessarily smaller or equal the truncation order.


the polynomial degree.

unsigned int get_order() const

Returns the truncation order of the polynomial.


the polynomial truncation order.

template<typename T>
auto find_cf(const T &c) const

Returns the coefficient of the monomial specified by the container c. The container contains the exponents of the requested monomial. In a three variable Taylor expansion with \(x, y, z\) as symbols, [1, 3, 2] would denote the monomial \(dx dy^3 dz^2\).


Alphabetical order is used to order the symbol set and thus specify the coefficients.


If the monomial requested is not found in the polynomial a zero coefficient will be returned.


the coefficient of the monomial, if present, zero otherwise.


std::invalid_argument if the requested coefficient is beyond the truncation order

gdual<double> x1(1.2, "x1", 2);
gdual<double> x2(-0.2, "x2", 2);
auto f = sin(x1*x1 + x2);
std::cout << f.find_cf(std::vector<double>({1,1})) << "\n";

template<typename T>
auto find_cf(std::initializer_list<T> l) const

Returns the coefficient of the monomial specified by the initializer list l.


This method overloads the one above and is provided for convenience.


the coefficient of the monomial, if present, zero otherwise.


std::invalid_argument if the requested coefficient is beyond the truncation order

gdual<double> x1(1.2, "x1", 2);
gdual<double> x2(-0.2, "x2", 2);
auto f = sin(x1*x1 + x2);
std::cout << f.find_cf({1,1}) << "\n";

Cf constant_cf()

Finds the constant coefficient of the Taylor polynomial. So that if \(T_{f} = f_0 + \hat f\), \(f_0\) is returned


the constant coefficient.

template<typename T>
auto get_derivative(const T &c) const

Returns the (mixed) derivative value of order specified by the container c


The container describes the derivative requested. In a three variable polynomial with \(x, y, z\) as symbols, [1, 3, 2] would denote the sixth order derivative \(\frac{d^6}{dxdy^3dz^2}\).


No computations are made at this points as all derivatives are already contained in the Taylor expansion


the value of the derivative


std::invalid_argument if the requested coefficient is beyond the truncation order

gdual<double> x1(1.2, "x1", 2);
gdual<double> x2(-0.2, "x2", 2);
auto f = sin(x1*x1 + x2);
// This streams the value of df^2/dx1/dx2 in x1=1.2, x2 = -0.2
std::cout << f.get_derivative(std::vector<double>({1,1})) << "\n";

template<typename T>
auto get_derivative(std::initializer_list<T> l) const

Returns the (mixed) derivative value of order specified by the initializer list l.


This method overloads the one above and is provided for convenience.


the value of the derivative


std::invalid_argument if the requested coefficient is beyond the truncation order

gdual<double> x1(1.2, "x1", 2);
gdual<double> x2(-0.2, "x2", 2);
auto f = sin(x1*x1 + x2);
// This streams the value of df^2/dx1/dx2 in x1=1.2, x2 = -0.2
std::cout << f.get_derivative({1,1}) << "\n";

template<typename T>
auto get_derivative(const std::unordered_map<std::string, unsigned int> &dict) const

Returns the (mixed) derivative value of the order specified in dict.


dict – a dictionary (unordered map) containing the derivation order (assumes zero for symbols not present).


the value of the derivative


std::invalid_argument if the requested derivative degree is beyond the truncation order

gdual<double> x1(1.2, "x1", 2);
gdual<double> x2(-0.2, "x2", 2);
auto f = sin(x1*x1 + x2);
// This streams the value of df^2/dx1/dx2 in x1=1.2, x2 = -0.2
std::cout << f.get_derivative({{"dx1", 1u}, {"dx2", 1u}}) << "\n";

bool is_zero(double tol) const

Checks all coefficients of the gdual and returns true if all their absolute values are smaller than the defined tolerance tol.


whether the gdual is zero within a tolerance.

gdual<double> x(0.1, "x", 6);
auto f = 1 - sin(x)*sin(x) - cos(x)*cos(x);
if (f.is_zero(1e-13)) {
  std::cout << "The trigonomoetric identity holds!!" << std::endl;


The following operators are implemented:

  • <<, streaming

  • ==, equal to

  • =, assignement

  • !=, not equal to

  • +=, addition assignment

  • -=, subtraction assignment

  • *=, multiplication assignment

  • /=, division assignment

  • -, unary minus

  • +, unary plus

  • +, addition

  • -, subtraction

  • *, multiplication

  • /, division

They allow to compute with the type gdual as you would operate with a basic type.


When relevant, the operators implement order promotion so that, for example, if a gdual of order 2 is added to a gdual of order 3 the resulting gdual will have order three.

We specify the documentation of a few operators with non trivial meaning.

friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const gdual &d)

Will direct to stream a human-readable representation of the generalized dual number.


The print order of the terms will be undefined.

  • os – target stream.

  • d – gdual argument.


reference to os

friend bool operator==(const gdual &d1, const gdual &d2)

Equality operator. Two gduals are considered equal if all their coefficients are equal.


The truncation order of d1 and d2 may be different

  • d1 – first argument.

  • d2 – second argument.


The result of the comparison.

friend bool operator!=(const gdual &d1, const gdual &d2)

Non equality operator.


The truncation order of d1 and d2 may be different

  • d1 – first argument.

  • d2 – second argument.


The result of the comparison.