Python bindings¶
The main functionalities of AuDi are exposed into a python module called pyaudi. To compile the module you need to have the following dependencies installed in your system
The boost C++ libraries: the following boost libraries are necessary: boost_python, boost_system, boost_unit_test_framework, boost_timer, boost_chrono. boost headers must be found in the system
audi: audi headers must be found in the system
Eigen linear algebra library: The Eigen headers must be found in the system
You can then clone the audi github repository and configure it using cmake. Make sure to activate the AUDI_BUILD_PYAUDI option (you will also need to install the audi c++ headers first, so AUDI_BUILD_AUDI option will likely have to be used first).
Check carefully what python version is detected and what libraries are linked to.
The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX will be used to construct the final location of headers and python module after install.
When done, type (in your build directory):
make install
To check that all went well fire-up your python console and try the example in quick-start example.