kernel_set ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Classes such as :cpp:class:`dcgp::expression`, :cpp:class:`dcgp::symbolic_regression` and others are constructed from an ``std::vector`` of :cpp:class:`dcgp::kernel`. Assembling such a ``std::vector`` is an operation that is greatly facilitated by the class :cpp:class:`dcgp::kernel_set`. Intended use of the class is: .. highlight:: c++ .. code-block:: c++ // (optional) - Say we have a custom kernel named f kernel f(my_sum, print_my_sum, "my_sum"); // We can construct a kernel set (and fill it in with provided kernels) kernel_set kernels({"sum", "div", "mul","diff"}); // We can get a vector with these four basic kernels ... auto kernel_vector = kernels(); // (optional) - ... or add our own custom kernel to the set ... basic_set.push_back(f); // (optional) - ... and get a vector with all five kernels auto kernel_vector2 = kernels(); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. doxygenclass:: dcgp::kernel_set :project: dCGP :members: