Who is behind all of this? Once again, the elusive and yet so resourceful “pagmo foundation”, which is, basically, a bunch of people fooling around, not taking themselves too seriously and, in the meantime trying to make some good progress in science.
dcgp/dcgpy is a software developed and offered to the users in a full FLOSS philosophy. We have created it, mostly, in our spare time and as a tool to explore some research ideas we started nourishing since our early investigations into the evolutionary computations / optimization field.
We use dcgp in the context of our work for the European Space Agency to perform research on genetic programming, but its capabilities go well beyond that of a purely scientific/academic tool.
Over the years, our work attracted a wider interest. We acknowledge and thanks the support of The Dow Corporation during some phases of the development and of the European Space Agency for having its Advanced Concepts Team to look into Genetic Programming as a potentially game changing technology.
Main developers
Dario Izzo - European Space Agency
Francesco Biscani - Max Planck Institute for Astronomy