Learning constants in a symbolic regression task (PART II) (deprecated)

One of the long standing “skeletons in the closet” of GP techniques is the constant finding problem. It is widely acknoledged that the “ephemeral random constant”, de facto the main solution proposed to this problem, is far from being satisfactory

Using dCGP, we are here able to succesfully learn constants as well as expressions during evolution thanks to the hybridization of the evolutionary strategy with what may, essentially, be seen as a second order back-propagation algorithm

NOTE: since v1.4 symbolic regression is performed via dedicated classes and not manipulating directly the dcgpy.expression

Lets first import dcgpy and pyaudi and set up things as to compute our CGP using the type “gdual” and thus get for free all derivatives

from dcgpy import expression_gdual_vdouble as expression
from dcgpy import kernel_set_gdual_vdouble as kernel_set
from pyaudi import gdual_vdouble as gdual
import pyaudi
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from random import randint
%matplotlib inline

The ES-(1+\(\lambda\)) algorithm

def run_experiment(dCGP, offsprings, max_gen, x, yt, screen_output):
    # The offsprings chromosome, fitness and constant
    chromosome = [1] * offsprings
    fitness = [1] *offsprings
    constant = [[1.,1.1]]*offsprings
    # Init the best as the initial random dCGP
    best_chromosome = dCGP.get()
    best_constants = [1,1]
    fit, _ = err2(dCGP, x, yt, best_constants)
    best_fitness = fit
    # Main loop over generations
    for g in range(max_gen):
        for i in range(offsprings):
            fit, constant[i] = err2(dCGP, x, yt, best_constants)
            fitness[i] = fit
            chromosome[i] = dCGP.get()
        for i in range(offsprings):
            if fitness[i] <= best_fitness:
                if (fitness[i] != best_fitness):
                    best_chromosome = chromosome[i]
                    best_fitness = fitness[i]
                    best_constants = constant[i]
                    if screen_output:
                        print("New best found: gen: ", g, " value: ", fitness[i],  dCGP.simplify(["x","c1","c2"]), "c =", best_constants)

        if best_fitness < 1e-14:
    return g, best_chromosome, best_constants

The test problems

As target functions, we define three different problems of increasing complexity:

P5: \(e x^5 - \pi x^3 + x\)

P6: \(\frac{e x^2-1}{\pi (x + 2)}\)

P7: \(\sin(e x) + \cos(\pi x)\)

note how \(\pi\) and \(e\) are present in the expressions.

# The following functions create the target values for a gridded input x for different test problems
def data_P5(x):
    return np.e * x**5 - np.pi*x**3 + x
def data_P6(x):
    return (np.e*x**2-1) / (np.pi*(x + 2))
def data_P7(x):
    return pyaudi.sin(np.e*x)+pyaudi.cos(np.pi*x)

The error functions

# This is used to sum over the component of a vectorized coefficient, accounting for the fact that if its dimension
# is 1, then it could represent [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a ...] with [a]
def collapse_vectorized_coefficient(x, N):
    if len(x) == N:
        return sum(x)
    return x[0] * N

# This is the quadratic error of a dCGP expression when the constant value is cin. The error is computed
# over the input points xin (of type gdual, order 0 as we are not interested in expanding the program w.r.t. these)
# The target values are contained in yt (of type gdual, order 0 as we are not interested in expanding the program w.r.t. these)
def err(dCGP, xin, yt, c1, c2):
    y = dCGP([xin,c1,c2])[0]
    return (y-yt)**2 / len(xin.constant_cf)

# This is the quadratic error of the expression when the value of the constants are learned using a, one step,
# second order method.
def err2(dCGP, xin, yt, constants):
    cin1 = constants[0]
    cin2 = constants[1]
    # Lets comupte the Taylor expansion (order 2) of the quadratic error around the point cin1, cin2
    c1 = gdual([cin1], "c1", 2)
    c2 = gdual([cin2], "c2", 2)
    error = err(dCGP, x, yt, c1, c2)
    #initial error for the current values of constants
    ierr = sum(error.constant_cf)
    # Number of points used in the data
    N = len(xin.constant_cf)

    # We try one step of the Newton method
    for i in range(1):
        G1 = error.get_derivative({"dc1":1})
        G2 = error.get_derivative({"dc2":1})
        H11 = error.get_derivative({"dc1":2})
        H22 = error.get_derivative({"dc2":2})
        H12 = error.get_derivative({"dc1":1, "dc2":1})
        G1 = collapse_vectorized_coefficient(G1, N)
        G2 = collapse_vectorized_coefficient(G2, N)
        H11 = collapse_vectorized_coefficient(H11, N)
        H22 = collapse_vectorized_coefficient(H22, N)
        H12 = collapse_vectorized_coefficient(H12, N)

        H = [[H11,H12],[H12, H22]]
        det = np.linalg.det(H)
        if det != 0:
            invH = np.linalg.inv(H)
            # We write the Newton update formula explicitly
            dc1 = - invH[0,0] * G1 - invH[0,1] * G2
            dc2 = - invH[1,0] * G1 - invH[1,1] * G2
            error = err(dCGP, x, yt, c1, c2)

    # error after one Newton step
    aerr = sum(error.constant_cf)

    # if no improvement, take 5 steps of gradient descent with learing rate 0.05
    if aerr >= ierr:
        c1 = gdual([cin1], "c1", 1)
        c2 = gdual([cin2], "c2", 1)
        # We end up with a few gradient descent steps
        for i in range(5):
            G1 = sum(error.get_derivative({"dc1":1}))
            G2 = sum(error.get_derivative({"dc2":1}))
            dc1 = - G1
            dc2 = - G2
            error = err(dCGP, x, yt, c1, c2)

    aerr = sum(error.constant_cf)
    return aerr, [c1.constant_cf[0], c2.constant_cf[0]]

Problem P5: \(ex^5 - \pi x^3 + x\)

x = np.linspace(1,3,10)
x = gdual(x)
yt = data_P5(x)
# We run nexp experiments and accumulate statistic for the ERT
nexp = 100
offsprings = 4
res = []
kernels = kernel_set(["sum", "mul", "diff","pdiv"])()
print("restart: \t gen: \t expression:")
for i in range(nexp):
    dCGP = expression(inputs=3, outputs=1, rows=1, cols=15, levels_back=16, arity=2, kernels=kernels, seed = randint(0,1233456))
    g, best_chromosome, best_constant = run_experiment(dCGP, offsprings,max_gen,x,yt, screen_output=False)
    if g < (max_gen-1):
        print(i, "\t\t", res[i], "\t", dCGP(["x","c1","c2"]), " a.k.a ", dCGP.simplify(["x","c1","c2"]), "c = ", best_constant)
res = np.array(res)
restart:         gen:    expression:
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/linalg/linalg.py:1776: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in det
  r = _umath_linalg.det(a, signature=signature)
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:47: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:48: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
7                1185    ['(x+(((x+x)*(x*x))*((c1*(x*x))-c2)))']  a.k.a  [2*c1*x**5 - 2*c2*x**3 + x] c =  [1.3591409142295225, 1.5707963267948966]
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/linalg/linalg.py:1776: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in det
  r = _umath_linalg.det(a, signature=signature)
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:47: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:48: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
12               1367    ['((x-((((x*x)*x)*(x*x))*c1))-(c2*((x*x)*x)))']  a.k.a  [-c1*x**5 - c2*x**3 + x] c =  [-2.718281828459045, 3.141592653589792]
14               696     ['(x-(((x*x)*(((x*x)*(c1-c2))-c1))*x))']  a.k.a  [-c1*x**5 + c1*x**3 + c2*x**5 + x] c =  [-3.141592653589789, -0.42331082513074425]
18               1865    ['(((c2*x)+((((c2*x)*x)-c1)*(((c2*x)*x)*x)))/c2)']  a.k.a  [-c1*x**3 + c2*x**5 + x] c =  [3.1415926535897816, 2.7182818284590433]
21               300     ['(x-((((x*x)*x)/(c2/(x*x)))*(((c2/(x*x))-c1)*c2)))']  a.k.a  [c1*x**5 - c2*x**3 + x] c =  [2.7182818284590944, 3.1415926535902035]
33               1349    ['((((x*x)*((((x*x)*c1)-c2)*(x*x)))+(x*x))/x)']  a.k.a  [c1*x**5 - c2*x**3 + x] c =  [2.7182818284590446, 3.1415926535897873]
36               1454    ['((((x*x)*x)*(c2+(c1*(x*x))))+x)']  a.k.a  [c1*x**5 + c2*x**3 + x] c =  [2.7182818284590455, -3.141592653589795]
38               184     ['(x-(((x*x)*x)*(c1-((x*x)*c2))))']  a.k.a  [-c1*x**3 + c2*x**5 + x] c =  [3.141592653589796, 2.7182818284590455]
45               1935    ['((x+((c2*x)*((x*x)*(x*x))))+(x*(c1*(x*x))))']  a.k.a  [c1*x**3 + c2*x**5 + x] c =  [-3.141592653589768, 2.7182818284590446]
58               544     ['(x+(((c1+((c2*x)*((c2*x)/c2)))*x)*(((c2*x)/c2)*((c2*x)/c2))))']  a.k.a  [c1*x**3 + c2*x**5 + x] c =  [-3.141592653589802, 2.718281828459047]
63               390     ['(((x*((((c1*x)*x)-c2)*x))*x)+((((c1*x)*x)/c1)/x))']  a.k.a  [c1*x**5 - c2*x**3 + x] c =  [2.718281828459046, 3.1415926535897984]
64               99      ['((((c2+(c1*(x*x)))*x)*(x*x))+x)']  a.k.a  [c1*x**5 + c2*x**3 + x] c =  [2.7182818284590455, -3.141592653589793]
71               429     ['(x*(((((x*x)/(x*x))*((c1*(x*x))+c2))*(x*x))+((x*x)/(x*x))))']  a.k.a  [c1*x**5 + c2*x**3 + x] c =  [2.7182818284590455, -3.1415926535897585]
76               1890    ['(((c1/(c1*x))+((((c1*x)+(c1*x))*(x*x))+(c2*x)))*((((c1*x)+(c1*x))*(x*x))/((c1*x)+(c1*x))))']  a.k.a  [2*c1*x**5 + c2*x**3 + x] c =  [1.3591409142295234, -3.1415926535898038]
83               1841    ['((((x*x)*((x*x)*x))*c1)+(((c2*(x*x))*x)+x))']  a.k.a  [c1*x**5 + c2*x**3 + x] c =  [2.7182818284590455, -3.141592653589795]
mean_gen = sum(res) / sum(res<(max_gen-1))
print("ERT Expected run time = avg. number of dCGP evaluations needed: ", mean_gen * offsprings)
ERT Expected run time = avg. number of dCGP evaluations needed:  49451.4666667

Problem P6: \(\frac{e x^2-1}{\pi (x + 2)}\)

x = np.linspace(-2.1,1,10)
x = gdual(x)
yt = data_P6(x)
# We run nexp experiments and accumulate statistic for the ERT
nexp = 100
offsprings = 4
res = []
kernels = kernel_set(["sum", "mul", "diff","pdiv"])()
print("restart: \t gen: \t expression:")
for i in range(nexp):
    dCGP = expression(inputs=3, outputs=1, rows=1, cols=15, levels_back=16, arity=2, kernels=kernels, seed = randint(0,1233456))
    g, best_chromosome, best_constant = run_experiment(dCGP, offsprings,max_gen,x,yt, screen_output=False)
    if g < (max_gen-1):
        print(i, "\t\t", res[i], "\t", dCGP(["x","c1","c2"]), " a.k.a ", dCGP.simplify(["x","c1","c2"]), "c = ", best_constant)
res = np.array(res)
restart:         gen:    expression:
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/linalg/linalg.py:1776: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in det
  r = _umath_linalg.det(a, signature=signature)
12               5694    ['((c2+(c2+c2))*(((c2/x)-(c1*x))/((c2/x)+((c2/x)+c2))))']  a.k.a  [-3*c1*c2*x/(c2 + 2*c2/x) + 3*c2**2/(c2*x + 2*c2)] c =  [-0.2884186598106795, -0.10610329539427757]
17               1311    ['(((x*x)+((c2*(x*x))+c1))*(((x*x)-(x*x))-(c1/(c1+(c1+(c1*x))))))']  a.k.a  [-c1**2/(c1*x + 2*c1) - c1*c2*x**2/(c1*x + 2*c1) - c1*x**2/(c1*x + 2*c1)] c =  [0.3183098861802687, -1.8652559794314285]
18               8209    ['((c1+(x*(x*c2)))/((c2/c2)+(x+(c2/c2))))']  a.k.a  [c1/(x + 2) + c2*x**2/(x + 2)] c =  [-0.31830988618370615, 0.8652559794322552]
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:47: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:48: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/linalg/linalg.py:1776: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in det
  r = _umath_linalg.det(a, signature=signature)
97               7718    ['(((x*(c2+c1))*((x*(c2+c1))+(c2/x)))/(((c2+c1)+(c2+c1))+(x*(c2+c1))))']  a.k.a  [c1**2*x**2/(c1*x + 2*c1 + c2*x + 2*c2) + 2*c1*c2*x**2/(c1*x + 2*c1 + c2*x + 2*c2) + c1*c2/(c1*x + 2*c1 + c2*x + 2*c2) + c2**2*x**2/(c1*x + 2*c1 + c2*x + 2*c2) + c2**2/(c1*x + 2*c1 + c2*x + 2*c2)] c =  [1.1835658656164778, -0.31830988618398554]
99               4569    ['(((c1/(c2*x))-(x+x))/((((x+x)/x)+((x+x)+((x+x)/x)))/((c2*x)+(c2*x))))']  a.k.a  [2*c1/(2*x + 4) - 4*c2*x**2/(2*x + 4)] c =  [-0.3183098861838616, -0.43262798971613803]
mean_gen = sum(res) / sum(res<(max_gen-1))
print("ERT Expected run time = avg. number of dCGP evaluations needed: ", mean_gen * offsprings)
ERT Expected run time = avg. number of dCGP evaluations needed:  781924.8

Problem P7: \(\sin(e x) + \cos(\pi x)\)

x = np.linspace(-1,1,10)
x = gdual(x)
yt = data_P7(x)
# We run nexp experiments and accumulate statistic for the ERT
nexp = 100
offsprings = 4
res = []
kernels = kernel_set(["sum", "mul", "diff","div", "sin","cos"])()
print("restart: \t gen: \t expression:")
for i in range(nexp):
    dCGP = expression(inputs=3, outputs=1, rows=1, cols=15, levels_back=16, arity=2, kernels=kernels, seed = randint(0,1233456))
    g, best_chromosome, best_constant = run_experiment(dCGP, offsprings,max_gen,x,yt, screen_output=False)
    if g < (max_gen-1):
        print(i, "\t\t", res[i], "\t", dCGP(["x","c1","c2"]), " a.k.a ", dCGP.simplify(["x","c1","c2"]), "c = ", best_constant)
res = np.array(res)
restart:         gen:    expression:
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:47: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:48: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/linalg/linalg.py:1776: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in det
  r = _umath_linalg.det(a, signature=signature)
36               359     ['(sin((c2*x))+cos(((c2*x)+(x*c1))))']  a.k.a  [sin(c2*x) + cos(c1*x + c2*x)] c =  [0.4233108251053548, 2.718281828484438]
51               3855    ['(sin((x/c1))+cos(((x/c1)-(c2*x))))']  a.k.a  [sin(x/c1) + cos(c2*x - x/c1)] c =  [0.3678794411238845, -0.4233108248124803]
59               1602    ['(sin((x*c2))-cos((c1*(((x*c2)*c2)+x))))']  a.k.a  [sin(c2*x) - cos(c1*c2**2*x + c1*x)] c =  [-3.744870239868995, 2.718281828948403]
61               758     ['(cos((x-(c1*x)))+sin((x/c2)))']  a.k.a  [sin(x/c2) + cos(c1*x - x)] c =  [-2.1415926534019243, 0.36787944117144233]
77               2163    ['(sin(((c1*(c2*x))/c2))+cos((c2*x)))']  a.k.a  [sin(c1*x) + cos(c2*x)] c =  [5508691.188571924, 251192.3238030792]
95               296     ['(cos(((c2*x)/c1))+sin((x*c1)))']  a.k.a  [sin(c1*x) + cos(c2*x/c1)] c =  [2.718281828459221, -8.539734222674024]
mean_gen = sum(res) / sum(res<(max_gen-1))
print("ERT Expected run time = avg. number of dCGP evaluations needed: ", mean_gen * offsprings)
ERT Expected run time = avg. number of dCGP evaluations needed:  319292.666667
[ ]: