Memetic Evolutionary Strategy (UDA)

- class dcgpy.mes4cgp(gen=1, max_mut=1, ftol=1e-4, learn_constants=False, seed=random)
The term Memetic is widely used, in the context of meta-heuristic search, to indicate a synergy between any population-based approach with local improvement procedures. The resulting algorithms are also referred to, in the literature, as Baldwinian evolutionary algorithms (EAs), Lamarckian EAs, cultural algorithms, or genetic local searches. The very same approach, is seen by many just as an hybridization of a global search technique with a local search technique. Regardless of the terminology and point of view, a memetic approach is applicable to symbolic regression tasks and able to improve considerably on the long standing issue of finding constants in Genetic Programming.
Dario, Francesco Biscani, and Alessio Mereta. “Differentiable genetic programming.” In European Conference on Genetic Programming, pp. 35-51. Springer, 2017.
In this class we offer an UDA (User Defined Algorithm for the pagmo optimization suite) hybridizing the classic Evolutionary Strategy that is traditionally used in Cartesian Genetic Programming research with a second order Newton search step able to help finding the best values for the ephemeral constants. The resulting algorithm is outlined by the following pseudo-algorithm:
Start from a population (pop) of dimension N
while i < gen
> > Mutation: create a new population pop2 mutating N times the best individual
> > Life long learning: apply a one step of a second order Newton method to each individual (only the continuous part is affected)
> > Reinsertion: set pop to contain the best N individuals taken from pop and pop2
MES4CGP is tailored to solve
problems and will not work on different types.- Parameters
gen (
) – number of generations.max_mut (
) – number of active genes to be mutated.ftol (
) – the algorithm will exit when the loss is below this tolerance.seed (
) – seed used by the internal random number generator (default is random).
- Raises
unspecified – any exception thrown by failures at the intersection between C++ and Python (e.g., type conversion errors, mismatched function signatures, etc.)
ValueError – if max_mut is 0 or ftol is negative.
- get_log()
Returns a log containing relevant parameters recorded during the last call to
. The log frequency depends on the verbosity parameter (by default nothing is logged) which can be set calling the methodset_verbosity()
on analgorithm
constructed with ames4cgp
. A verbosity ofN
implies a log line eachN
generations.- Returns
at each logged epoch, the values
,Current best
, where:Gen
), generation number.Fevals
), number of functions evaluation made.Best
), the best fitness found.Constants
), the current values for the ephemeral constants.Model
), the string representation of the current best model
- Return type
>>> import dcgpy >>> from pygmo import * >>> >>> algo = algorithm(dcgpy.mes4cgp(gen = 90, max_mut = 4, ftol = 1e-4)) >>> X, Y = dcgpy.generate_koza_quintic() >>> udp = dcgpy.symbolic_regression(X, Y ,1,20,21,2, dcgpy.kernel_set_double(["sum", "diff", "mul"])(), 1, False, 0) >>> pop = population(udp, 4) >>> algo.set_verbosity(10) >>> pop = algo.evolve(pop) Gen: Fevals: Best: Constants: Model: 0 0 2802.82 [5.35943] [c1**2] ... 10 40 948.839 [10.9722] [x0**2*c1] ... 20 80 823.816 [8.38173] [(c1 + x0)*x0**2] ... 30 120 473.274 [4.48466] [x0**3*c1] ... 40 160 338.735 [24.2287] [-x0 + x0**2*c1 - (c1 + x0*c1) + x0**2] ... 50 200 107.126 [24.2287] [x0**2*(-x0 - x0**2 + x0**3)] ... 60 240 10.2064 [0.844799] [x0**2*(-(c1 + x0**2) + x0**3)] ... 70 280 10.2064 [0.844799] [x0**2*(-(c1 + x0**2) + x0**3)] ... 80 320 6.3605 [1.03424] [x0**2*(x0**3*c1 - (c1 + x0**2*c1))] ... 90 360 6.3605 [1.03424] [x0**2*(x0**3*c1 - (c1 + x0**2*c1))] ... Exit condition -- generations = 90 >>> uda = algo.extract(dcgpy.mes4cgp) >>> uda.get_log() [(0, 0, 2802.8212344354, array([5.35943212]), '[c1**2]'), ...
See also the docs of the relevant C++ method
- get_seed()
This method will return the random seed used internally by this uda.
- Returns
the random seed of the population
- Return type